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Before Booking Your Session With Me



Please check the list of conditions which are not always suitable for treatment if your unsure.For your own safety and wellbeing please be   honest about your mental and physical state.

Check out the Q&A and  frequently asked questions and answers.

Please chat with me and ask any further questions or concerns you may have.If you have done the first two steps and you still feel unsure regarding a certain health condition you have (either physical or mental), please just get in touch with any further questions you may have so I can help you.

List of Conditions

List of contradiction not suitable for some therapies including Spinal Touch Energetics


Each client has an obligation to be honest and reveal any serious conditions they have. It is my responsibility and duty of care to you. I am not a medical professional and advise you to seek help from the relevant healthcare professional. I am unable to offer you advise via email or DM if you have got these conditions.


Current Diagnosed PTSD or complex PTSD


Severe Mental Health Conditions (bipolar, schizophrenia, psychosis).


Currently taking heavy medication that alters the brain chemistry. (anti-depressant, anti-anxiety, antipsychotic).


Recent physical injuries, fractures and surgeries (at least 6 months post surgery)


Brain Trauma




History of diagnosis of aneurysms


Cardiovascular Problems


History of Seizures 




Heart Disease


Hospitalisation for psychiatric conditions, emotional crisis etc within the past 3 years.




Any other medical, psychiatric or physical conditions that would impair or affect your ability to engage in activities involving intense physical and emotional release.


If there are any other conditions that raise alarm please note that your appointment could be cancelled and refunded at my own discretion.


How does it work?


The spine is our main energy centre. Focusing on the nervous system of the body, during all my therapies  we look to find and release bound physical  and emotional tension  patterns  stored within the both the physical  body and your energetic field. Over our life we take on various issues that may be unresolved. We then activate  stuck energy and release it   engaging your chakras which are also energy centres of your body. We start an innate process with the body, that intelligence that keeps your heart beating, your digestion working, or heals a cut on your finger. This intelligence  encourages your body  start a self healing process to release and unravel and let go of this energy. 

What are the benefits of energy healing?


As you might expect, we cannot make sweeping statements. Each person is unique, and experiences vary widely. However, individuals often return for occasional tune-ups, similar to how one would seek a massage. The relief from both physical and emotional pain can be substantial. Many describe a deep sense of inner peace and lightness, as if a weight has been lifted. As you gain insight into what truly holds you back on a profound subconscious level, anxiety and depression become easier to manage. There's nothing quite like feeling more energized, happier, and experiencing a sense of renewal with reduced pain.

How many session will I need?


There isn't a fixed number of sessions required, as this can differ from one individual to another. However, it’s important to recognize that while we assist the body in releasing energy, we are also focusing on supporting your nervous system simultaneously. This support plays a crucial role in your overall health and well-being. Typically, 1-3 sessions are necessary for the body to start understanding and collaborating with us in this revealing process. It’s a significant request for the body, as it has spent a lifetime storing energy for protection. This journey takes time. Those who are more in tune with their bodies through practices like yoga or breathwork often navigate this process more quickly. Energy healing greatly aids your nervous system, making it beneficial to incorporate it as a means of maintaining overall health; therefore, monthly sessions are recommended.

How long should I have between sessions?


It really varies person to person. When having your first few sessions they are okay to have near each other. There after you should look to have at least a week in between sessions. You must really listen to your body.

What can I expect during a session?


You will remain aware throughout the session; however, I've had individuals fall asleep during their experience as it can be quite soothing. You might encounter various sensations in your body, and there may be an urge to move, which can differ significantly from person to person. If you've watched some videos online and feel concerned, rest assured that significant movements are unlikely during your first session. Such movements are more common among those who have received extensive energy healing, have developed a strong connection to their bodies, and possess a more relaxed nervous system, allowing them to release energy more freely. Remember that each session is unique, and it's essential to recognize that this is a profound and powerful modality. Everyone experiences energy release differently, so we can't predict how your body will react. The key is to trust in your body's innate intelligence and allow it to do what it needs to facilitate the flow of energy.

What can I expect after a session?


This again is so varied. There is no one answer, and even if we were to list every single persons post session experience yours could still be different. We are all so unique and we have lived such different lives from others, how our bodies process energy will only unfold once we are at that point. Some common effects can be;Feeling light headed and or disorientatedFeeling energised and or feeling tiredEmotional Releases; such as crying, laughter, anger etc.Changes in breath Detoxification such as nausea, changes in bowel movements, headachesGreater awareness of your body and beingRegions of ease and or discomfortThe body can continue to release up to 12-72 hours, or even longer. This entirely depends on your bodies ability to process what ever came up during and after the session.

Still have a question please get in touch


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